****** Mafalda ******


MAFALDA est une chienne de type croisée Bichon et caniche, non lof, couleur grise et blanche. Elle a 8 ans, et elle pèse environ 4kg. Femelle vaccinée, pucée et traitée pour parasites internes et externes. Certificat de bonne santé.


MAFALDA est une chienne qui a été trouvée errante, et qui a été déposée en Fourrière. non réclamée, nous l'avons prise en charge.

Suite à notre diffusion, la petite a eu la chance de quitter le Refuge de Sans Collier Provence (le Refuge qui nous a sollicité pour la sortie de fourrière)  pour rejoindre directement ses adoptants!


Elle est très perdue et apeurée, il n'y a que les bras qui la réconfortent. 

Squelettique et très négligée, il lui faudra quelques mois pour retrouver une forme et un équilibre physyque et psychologique.


Merci à tous les gens qui se sont mobilisés pour elle et merci à ses adoptants! 

Sa nouvelle vie en images:

Petit mot de l'adoptante de Mafalda, datant du mois d'Août 2019. C'est en anglais :-)


"Hi Tania. How timely as I was about to write to you on Génies progress. I actually tried to send you some photos a while ago on Messenger but couldn’t get it to work. I’ll try again. Genie is adorable. She has such a sweet nature. She is quite settled now and travels everywhere with us. She still gets easily spooked by people but is gradually becoming more trusting. We took her with us in the plane to Copenhagen without any problems. We were there for two weeks and she went all over the place. Before that we went to Epernay for a week where she walked around without much fear. Now we are in Compiegne _ north of Paris or three weeks. In September we are taking her to Amsterdam for two weeks. She is very easy to travel with and doesn’t mind where she goes as long as she is with us. Restoring her trust in humans has been a great mission for me and very rewarding. This is something that would be adopters might be able to appreciate.Genie really is the joy of my life and Colins as well. I’ll try and resend you some photos. I follow all your work on FB and it is good to see you getting results. I’d like to do more to help but with all the travelling it’s a little difficult. Best wishes Diane"